Performance and Optimization of Residential Condensing Combi Systems
Homeowners with natural gas water heaters have difficulty justifying the expense of a more efficient condensing heater. Combination space and domestic hot water systems bundle together the two loads, which saves energy and makes them more cost-effective. These systems also help eliminate combustion safety concerns.
Historically, mechanical contractors have custom engineered and pieced together combi systems in the field, paying little attention to efficiency and optimization. But condensing heating plants will only reach their energy saving potential when all components are designed and installed correctly.
Research Engineer Ben Schoenbauer presents lab and field measurements of condensing boilers and water heaters matched with hydronic coil air handlers and distribution systems to optimize their performance. If you missed the live webinar, you can click through the presentation or download a recording below. For more information, read about CEE's research on Dual Integrated Appliances.