One-Stop rebates and City funding make a big difference for PRG, Inc.’s efficiency

Oct 14, 2024
PRG building getting new HVAC system

Project Background

PRG, Inc., a Minneapolis-based nonprofit organization focused on providing affordable housing and eliminating racial disparities in housing, had worked with CEE’s One-Stop Efficiency Shop (One-Stop) to install free smart thermostats at their office in November 2023. PRG’s Executive Director and Real Estate Development Manager were also interested in replacing their aging rooftop units (RTUs) with more efficient equipment but weren’t sure which options were available for their facility. They contacted the One-Stop HVAC team to learn more.

Project Assessment

A One-Stop HVAC consultant visited PRG’s facility to inspect the equipment and discuss options with PRG. The consultant suggested dual fuel RTUs, a hybrid system made up of both an electric heat pump and a gas furnace. This system would allow them to use their existing ductwork and would replace the two existing 24-year-old RTUs, lowering the overall replacement cost and easing the process of installation.

The HVAC consultant helped PRG review contractor bids and identified available grants and rebates to make the project as cost-effective as possible, including Minneapolis Green Cost Share funding. He also handled all invoicing and rebate processes, saving time for the organization and ensuring rebates were maximized.

“The One-Stop Efficiency Shop will ensure you are taking the proper steps and getting a system that specifically meets your needs. Having someone to handle the paperwork doesn't hurt either.”

PRG staff

Installation and Rebates

The installed cost after utility rebates and Minneapolis Green Cost Share grant funds was about $3,000 less than the original standard efficiency RTU replacement quote and $15,992 less than the original dual fuel RTU quote. Thanks to the One-Stop HVAC consultant’s guidance, PRG found a solution that met their organization’s energy efficiency goals without compromising on cost. PRG expects to see lower utility bills even during extremely cold weather thanks to their new dual fuel RTUs.


  • Aging, inefficient RTUs
  • Time-consuming equipment research and rebate process


  • Greater equipment efficiency
  • Significantly reduced project costs due to grants and rebates
  • Lower utility bills

Rebates and Savings

  • 1,714 therms saved
  • 1,249 kWh saved
  • $2,443 in rebates
  • $6,608 in Minneapolis Green Cost Share funding

Learn more about the One-Stop Efficiency Shop