As more indoor cannabis operations begin production throughout Minnesota, CEE's One-Stop Efficiency Shop is helping small and midsized growers in Xcel Energy territory access energy efficient LED grow lighting. One-Stop's new efficiency-based grow lighting rebates significantly reduce installation costs for growers, allowing them to take advantage of the long-term financial and environmental benefits of LEDs.
Indoor agriculture operations have historically depended on traditional technologies like high-pressure sodium (HPS) grow lighting to achieve optimal product quality and yields. However, high-quality, industrial-grade LED fixtures are now far superior to traditional technologies and produce many benefits for a grow operation, including:
- Significantly lower energy use and decreased strain on the energy grid
- Reduced maintenance costs
- Fewer lamp replacements and longer equipment life of 50,000 hours or more
- High canopy photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) with less heat generated
- Increased yields and improved product quality
- Enhanced controls, improved light uniformity, and increased plant viability
Minnesota has made social equity cannabis business licenses available to certain groups such as veterans, new farmers, or those, who've faced historical harm from drug criminalization. By providing free lighting consulting and rebates covering up to 60% of installation costs, the One-Stop team aims to make Minnesota's cannabis industry the most efficient in the nation while also helping businesses get a leg up in newly expanded and competitive market.
During a free assessment, a One-Stop lighting consultant will visit the site and evaluate the unique needs of the building. From there, they will build a report around the measures that the grower is most interested in implementing with overall cost, rebates, and payback times. From vegetation and flowering rooms to processing areas and retail spaces, lighting rebates can cover the full scope of a project. After a project is finished, the One-Stop team completes and submits all rebate paperwork so that rebates arrive as quickly as possible.
Indoor agriculture operations growing any plant type with flower and vegetation rooms totaling 8,000 square feet or less located in Xcel Energy Minnesota territory qualify for the One-Stop LED grow lighting consulting and rebate program. One-Stop incentivizes higher efficiency lighting by providing rebates based on wattage and enhanced photosynthetic photon efficacy (PPE). Lighting equipment with higher PPE earns higher rebates through the One-Stop program.
Interested in a free consultation for your grow operation?