Daniel Raherimanjato
Product Development Manager, Commercial HVAC

Daniel specializes in advancing energy efficiency through product development and market transformation in the residential and commercial HVAC industry at Center for Energy and Environment (CEE). His work spans evaluating emerging technologies, managing field demonstrations to assess real world impacts, and developing strategies to accelerate the adoption of key technologies. Daniel also participates in regulatory and testing standard groups to help influence the development of HVAC equipment and addressing adoption barriers in collaboration with industry stakeholders.  

Prior to joining CEE, Daniel worked as a senior product development engineer in the commercial rooftop HVAC industry developing rooftop unit ACs and heat pumps. His work has contributed to projects for Trane, Lennox International, and Daikin. He holds a BS in mechanical and energy engineering from the University of North Texas and a MS in mechanical engineering from Colorado School Mines.  He also holds a project management professional certification and volunteers for an Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) working group. Committed to sustainability, Daniel enjoys giving back to the community and contributing to a greener world.  

Professional Organizations 

  • Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)